Navigating the New Year: Moving Beyond the Holidays with Compassion and Community

Somehow here we are, already at the fourth and final blog post of this series, closing out the month of December. We made it through the Christmas holidays, and you might be left feeling a variety of emotions, maybe a rollercoaster of many emotions at once. Now what? Below are a few ways we can move through this time collectively. You may find that one resonates with you more than others. Take what stands out to you, and leave the rest.

Reflection on the Holiday Season…

One way out of the holiday season and into “reality” to occur more smoothly is by pausing and acknowledging your experience this season. This doesn’t require a lot of time or resources. For example, you could reflect through journaling for several minutes, or you could let your mind wander and reflect as you take a quick shower. See if you can acknowledge the challenges you may have faced and commend yourself for finding the strength to navigate difficult times and moments.

Resources don’t end just because the holidays do…

At Forrest Spence Fund, we offer a monthly support group for bereaved moms that takes place every third Tuesday of the month. The group is led by Brittany Spence, a bereaved mom and cofounder of the Forrest Spence Fund. This group welcomes any mom at any point in their journey with grief and healing. In addition to what we offer at FSF, other local professionals and resources are trained in bereavement and grief/ loss healing. We will include links to these resources at the bottom of the blog.

Setting gentle intentions for the New Year…

As you step into the new year, consider setting gentle intentions for yourself. Recognize that the journey of grief is unique and that healing doesn't follow a linear path. Instead of overwhelming yourself with ambitious resolutions, focus on small, meaningful goals that contribute to your well-being. Whether it's dedicating time to self-care, exploring new hobbies, or fostering connections with loved ones, these gentle intentions can serve as guiding lights through the ups and downs. Remember, it's okay to embrace the ebb and flow of healing, allowing yourself the grace to navigate each day at your own pace.

As mentioned at the start, feel free to engage in one or all three of these ways to step into the new year. Above all else, please remember you are not alone. Know that your path is unique, and it won’t even necessarily makes “sense” from one day to the next. 

My hope is that this series has been a companion to walk with you through these times and remind you that community is here. May the coming days have moments of peace, connection, and the gradual unfolding of glimmers and hope.



Honoring Loved Ones: Meaningful Ways to Remember