47. Anna Simmons - A Family Story

Anna, a native Memphian, and Matt Simmons, born in Fort Worth, TX, have been happily married for five years. They have a beautiful three year old girl, Eden, a brave little one year old boy, Luca, and a baby boy on the way. Luca was born with congenital CMV and has had a whirlwind first year of life consisting of therapies, sickness, hospitalizations, cochlear implant and g tube surgeries. Matt is a fundraising consultant for schools and Anna is a stay-at-home mother with a passion for music, worship leading, and teaching vocal lessons prior to Luca getting sick. Currently a lot of their time is being filled with caring for their two children and focusing on Luca’s therapies and progression. Their family is heavily supported by family and friends who have been loved them well through this new journey. They are at the beginning of a lifelong journey with a wonderful son who has special needs but are looking forward to how Luca will be a light in this world.

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48. Christine Shull - A Family Story


46. Brittany Spence - Open House