Crafting a Go To Coping List for the Holidays

I like to think of creating a “go to coping list” as similar to gently wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket. It’s not about anticipating trouble, but instead, cocooning yourself in self-worth, care, and acceptance. Another metaphor you might resonate with is imagining putting on a seatbelt – once it’s habitually practiced, the more it becomes automatic and protective. 

Coping skills aren’t just tools; they’re lifelines, unique to each of us, evolving and providing a vital break from mental and emotional distress in the thick of it.

Let’s pause for a moment and recall what you have found comforting, nourishing, and helpful before. Here are some categories or prompts to guide you: 

1. Distraction: Lose yourself in puzzles, books, crafts, movies, and music to give your mind and heart a respite.

2. Grounding/Mindfulness: Embrace meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, or grounding your senses for subtle but powerful ways of anchoring in the present.

3. Emotional Expression: Release your feelings into journaling, conversations, drawing, or dancing to encourage emotions to flow.

4. Self-soothing: Speak kindly to yourself, indulge in rest, or compassionately give yourself empathy, which are gentle gestures for comforting yourself.

5. Challenging Thoughts: Question or challenge negative thoughts, and be kind to yourself while challenging mental stories and planting seeds for a resilient mindset. 

These are just stepping stones and starting points for making your own list. Even the softest affirmations like “It’s okay to be struggling,” or gestures like showering on a day when it’s exceptionally difficult to get out of bed hold immense power. 

If coming up with a list is difficult, that’s alright. That’s exactly why this blog post is here. Amidst the holiday whirlwind, having a list ready is a wise and nurturing choice. It might seem like a simple or mundane task, but in acknowledging your experiences, you’re creating a haven of self-understanding and kindness, while actively taking one step at a time to companion yourself during these complicated times. 


Honoring Loved Ones: Meaningful Ways to Remember


The Layers of Grief: Navigating the Holidays with Understanding and Compassion